Cleaning Spot Stains From carpet Immediately

  1. As soon as a spill happens, start spot cleaning the rug. Never allow carpet stains to sit longer than necessary, or the stain will absorb into the fibers and cause a much worse issue like mildew or foul odors.
  2. Blot the stain using a damp, clean cloth.
  3. Don’t rub, or the stain may become worse. Use a paper towel to dry the rug, placing a heavy object on top of the paper towels to soak up water from deep inside. If water alone doesn’t work, try club soda. It’s ideal for stains from juice or wine.
  4. Never scrub, or the carpet fibers may face damage. Also, only use a small portion of club soda at once rather than flooding the carpet.
  5. Work from the outside of the spot towards the middle.
  6. If job is not done, then you need to call Pro Carpet Care for some professional backup. 

Can you get everything out?

No. We can’t get out permanent stains – if the fibres have been dyed or bleached then it may be permanent. Handling spots as soon as possible, and treating them appropriate to what caused them can help to improve our chances of success!

If your knowledge of carpet cleaning is minimal, you may find that hiring a professional carpet cleaner is ideal.

Ready to Call in Some Backup for your spill?

Addressing spots, spills and accidents on your carpet or furniture as quickly as possible is important. Letting us know when you have an urgent concern such as a recent spill or accident can help us to prioritize your cleaning and help you as soon as possible. It helps if you have an idea of what the cause of the spot is so that we can treat it properly and have the best results possible.

Is it better Shampoo or steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning stands out as a supremely effective method, owing to its advanced technology and integrated machinery. Moreover, the infusion of hot water and cleansing agents ensures a swift and thorough penetration into upholstery, surpassing the efficacy of traditional shampooing techniques.