Deep Cleaning Checklist for Your Home

A deep cleaning session can breathe new life into your living space, eliminating hidden dirt and grime that regular cleaning might miss. Whether you’re preparing for a special occasion or simply want to maintain a pristine home environment, having a comprehensive deep cleaning checklist is essential. Let’s dive into the ultimate house deep cleaning checklist to ensure no nook or cranny goes unnoticed.

  • Deep Cleaning Checklist:

  1. Declutter and Organize:
    • Start by decluttering each room, getting rid of items you no longer need.
    • Organize belongings in an efficient manner, creating a clean and tidy foundation for the deep cleaning process.
  2. Dust from Top to Bottom:
    • Begin dusting high surfaces like ceiling fans, light fixtures, and crown molding.
    • Work your way down to furniture, shelves, and baseboards, using microfiber cloths to capture dust effectively.
  3. Windows and Window Treatments:
    • Clean windows inside and out for a crystal-clear view.
    • Wash or vacuum window treatments, such as curtains or blinds, to eliminate accumulated dust.
  4. Deep Clean Carpets and Upholstery:
    • Use a carpet cleaner or hire a professional service to deep clean carpets.
    • Clean upholstery with appropriate solutions, paying attention to stains and high-traffic areas.
  5. Kitchen Appliances:
    • Empty and clean the refrigerator, removing expired items and wiping down shelves.
    • Clean the oven, microwave, and other kitchen appliances, ensuring they function at their best.
  6. Tackle the Bathroom:
    • Scrub and disinfect all surfaces, including tiles, grout, and countertops.
    • Clean and sanitize the toilet, shower, and bathtub thoroughly.
  7. Flooring:
    • Depending on the type of flooring in each room, mop, vacuum, or steam clean to remove embedded dirt.
    • Pay special attention to corners and edges where dust and debris tend to accumulate.
  8. Check and Clean Air Vents:
    • Dust and clean air vents and replace filters to improve indoor air quality.
    • Consider using a vacuum attachment to reach into ducts and remove hidden dust.
  9. Light Fixtures:
    • Remove and clean light fixtures, replacing any burnt-out bulbs.
    • Dust or wipe lampshades and chandeliers to ensure maximum brightness.
  10. Final Touches:
    • Wipe down frequently-touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls.
    • Launder and change bedding, leaving your bedroom feeling fresh and inviting.

Steam Carpet Cleaning

Upholstery Steam Cleaning

Wood Floor Deep Cleaning

Tiles & Grout Cleaning

Is it better Shampoo or steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning stands out as a supremely effective method, owing to its advanced technology and integrated machinery. Moreover, the infusion of hot water and cleansing agents ensures a swift and thorough penetration into upholstery, surpassing the efficacy of traditional shampooing techniques.

“My Housekeeper already cleans my floors – why would i need a special service?”

Pro carpet care is a specialty, deep-cleaning process.

When you vacuum your carpet or mop your floor, you are wiping away the dirt and buildup, clearing off the surface. When we come in, we extraxt the unseen, we disinfect those lingering germs, then polish and groom to protect your flooring to sustain it between cleaning.

“But How?”

  • Heat- Steam!
  • Products- Chemistry! ( Organic products)
  • Machinery- CRB Machine, Truckmount, Specialty Wands & Buffers!


Call us or schedule online. We are happy to do your free estimate over the phone or in person.