
Table of contents


Drying Carpet: How Long Does It Take?


Why is important to dry your carpet after cleaning?


How to Dry Carpet After Cleaning


How Long Before Mold Grows in Wet Carpet?


Floor Cleaning Topics:

Drying Carpet: How Long Does It Take?

A professional steam cleaning followed by no drying treatments can take 4 to 6 hours to dry completely. Steam cleaning, or wet cleaning, is a popular method, particularly for carpeting in high-traffic areas with lots of dirt and debris. Steam cleaning uses heat vapor and pressure to draw out all of the muck and grime. 

You finally got around to having your carpets cleaned, and they look brand-new. But now you’re faced with the toughest step of all: waiting for the carpet to dry. Different factors like the time of year, the temperature in your home, and the cleaning method all play a role in how long it will take for your carpet to dry. 

Why is important to dry your carpet after cleaning?

A water leak can leave your carpet a soggy mess for days. No matter the cause, you need to dry wet carpet quickly. Otherwise, it can ruin the sub-floor, your walls or even lead to mold.

There is a small space between the carpet and the padding that lies underneath.

This small space may seem insignificant to you, but it is a problem area. If you leave your carpet without drying it out after a cleaning session, then this dark and moist area serves as a breeding ground. Mildew, molds and such other microorganisms start growing here.

Depending on the amount of water, you can dry wet carpeting on your own. However, the chance of restoring your carpeting goes down the longer you wait. We cover how to get water out of the carpet as well as how long it takes to dry.

Before you start drying wet carpeting, you need to get rid of the water first. If it is covered by a few inches of water, use a pump to remove it. You if need one, you can get a pump from most equipment rental companies.

If there is less than an inch of water, a wet-dry vacuum is your best option. Move slowly across the carpet to suck up as much water as possible. You may need to go over it a few times to get all the water out.

Another way to dry wet carpet is with towels. Spread them out over the wet section and press them firmly into the carpet. This works best if only a small section is wet.

If it is extremely wet, sprinkle a layer of kitty litter down first. Then press it into the carpeting with the towels. Once the kitty litter is saturated, vacuum it up with a shop vac. Repeat the process until the carpet is just barely damp to the touch. If you run out of towels, you can also use blankets as well.

We have explained to you five of the best and fastest ways to dry your carpet after cleaning in the text given below. It will not only leave your carpet looking brand new and fresh but will also get rid of an otherwise unhygienic environment and unpleasant smell.

How to Dry Carpet After Cleaning

Create Air Flow

The best way to help your carpet dry is by creating good airflow in the room. If your carpet is in a room with windows, open them up and let the fresh air do all the work. This is also an excellent way to avoid any musty, damp smells that some carpets develop in a closed room.

If you have two windows opposite each other, open one fully and the other just a bit. This will create a strong crosswind that will help your carpet to dry quicker.


Expose The Padding

When you have a large carpet, the method of exposing the padding to dry out the carpet should be your star choice. Once you extract the right amount of water from the padding, then you can peel the carpet back.

To expose the padding, start in the corner. Corners are the easiest to pull back. You have to pull the fibers of the carpet using pliers. Pliers give a firm grip but make sure your gentle while pulling. If you pull too hard, you might accidentally pull out the fibers also.

After you pull back the fibers, you might hear a tearing or crackling sound. No need to worry because this is the sound is of the tack strip. This strip holds the carpet together with the padding. Thus, you are not causing any damage.

Next, you can follow the steps given below to dry off the padding.

  • Start blowing air between the padding and the carpet.
  • Use a dehumidifier if your carpet is in a closed room. This will pull out the moisture out of your carpet faster.
  • Make sure that you keep the corners or sides of your carpet raised. Use a fan to blow air under the carpet and onto the pad.
  • Next, you should attach a vacuum hose to your vacuum cleaner. Place the hose under the carpet and place the carpet over the hose. The stream of air created speeds up the drying process.


Use a fan

Ceiling fans can be handy when it comes to drying out a carpet. If your carpet is located directly underneath a fan, it can work very efficiently.

Using a fan is a good option when the weather outside is not appropriate for carpet-drying. The fan will create a concentrated funnel of air that will dry your carpet quickly. It’s also an excellent way to avoid musty smells since it circulates the air well.

If you don’t have a ceiling fan, you can use a standing or desk fan instead. However, these won’t be as sufficient as one located directly above. Placing two smaller fans at each side of the carpet could provide adequate circulation, though.



It might seem obvious, but turning on a dehumidifier is one of the best ways to speed up the carpet drying process. They sap moisture from the room and collect it in a storage tank or direct it toward a drain. If you’re using the storage tank, be sure to check back every few hours to empty it. You’ll be surprised by the amount of water it collects in a room with freshly cleaned carpets.


Utilize Air-conditioning

Using an air-conditioning unit to dry your carpet should be a last resort. It’s not as effective as a fan because it won’t circulate the air as much. Thus, it may not provide a fresh environment. But, during rainy days when the weather outside is slightly humid, the AC-unit could prove beneficial if a fan isn’t an option.

Has there been a significant leak in your house?

Does your carpet feel a tad damp after winter? Either way, it’s crucial to get it dried quickly. Leaving a carpet wet can cause mold and mildew to grow, putting you and your family’s health at risk.

How to dry carpet successfully depends on the size, climate, and humidity. Don’t fret though; we’re here to help and to show you some different drying methods.

*After dry your carpet from water damage you need to call a professional carpet cleaning to sanatize and clean your carpet *

How Long Before Mold Grows in Wet Carpet?

Mildew and mold will begin to develop in a carpet within 24 and 48 hours of being exposed to water. They will continue to grow rapidly if steps aren’t taken to eliminate the water and mold.

Here are a few signs that your carpet could be infested by mold:

  • Smell: Musty or sour smell coming from your carpet.
  • Color: Discoloration on the carpet or padding.
  • Breathing difficulties: Family members experience allergic symptoms — a person with asthma might be more affected.

Browse through these different methods before deciding on tackling the process yourself or hiring a professional carpet cleaning company.

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