Remove pet stains and odors from carpet

If you dont have little Knowlodge of carpet cleaning call professional Pro carpet Care & Cleaning Services LLC.

No matter how well-trained your furry pal is, accidents happen. You need to know how to clean dog urine from carpet. If at all possible, clean up urine as soon as it hits the floor and while it’s still wet. Once it dries, the odor will set into the carpet fibers. Place a towel or a couple of layers of paper towels on the spot to absorb the urine. Stand on the towel so it pushes into the carpet and absorbs as much urine as possible. Next, mix up a solution of 2oz of trashed green gel , 2 cups of warm water Put solution into a spray bottle and spritz on soiled area. Let sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Blot with a soft cloth.  For heavier stains, use Odor & stain remover apply directly on the stain. Odor & Stain Remover (OSR) is an oxygen-producing product with enzymes that neutralizes urine odors & removes the toughest stains. make sure do a test before using any product to a wool carpet.

  • Treat the pet stain immediately.
  • Blot the pet urine as much as you can with paper towels, a rag, or newspaper.
  • To spread the pet urine further, work from the outside of the stain inward.
  • To remove urine stains from a mattress or carpet, you have to treat all the layers

Steam Carpet Cleaning

Upholstery Steam Cleaning

Wood Floor Deep Cleaning

Tiles & Grout Cleaning

Is it better Shampoo or steam cleaning?

Steam cleaning stands out as a supremely effective method, owing to its advanced technology and integrated machinery. Moreover, the infusion of hot water and cleansing agents ensures a swift and thorough penetration into upholstery, surpassing the efficacy of traditional shampooing techniques.