New Urine Stains on Carpet or Fabric

Your Puppie peed on the carpet? No problem, first thing get some towels over the wet spot try to absorb the urine as much as you can. then remove the towels and rise the spot with club soda Blot up all the water, either with towels or a wet vacuum.

The next step is to remove the odor. use baking soda. Spread baking soda thinly and evenly across the damp spot, being careful not to overdo it; about 1/4 cup or less is enough for most stains. Let the baking soda sit overnight, and then vacuum thoroughly. You may have to go over the area several times to vacuum up all the powder, until the area feels clean to the touch.

    If you dont have any knowledge about cleaning call a Professional Carpet Cleaner

Dried Dog Urine on Fabric and Carpets

You come back from work and as soon you open your door hits you right there carpet smells of dog urine however you dont see where it is? how to find it ? get a UV light pet urine detector,rinsing the area thoroughly with plain water. Use a wet-dry vacuum cleaner and keep saturating and vacuuming the area until clean If this doesn’t get the smell out, use this oxygen producing urine neutralizer & stain remover. These bio-based cleansers work on a molecular level to break down and remove odors and stains. Be sure to choose an enzyme-based cleanser made specifically for pet stains.

    If you dont have any knowledge about cleaning call a Professional Carpet Cleaner

Clean and ensure that your carpet always smells fresh.

Carpets are soft and luxurious under your feet, but they can absorb odors and start to smell. In addition to picking up and holding the smell or urine or feces, your carpeting can start to take on a generally “doggy” smell. Use these tips to keep your house smelling clean and ensure that your carpet always smells fresh.

Vacuum regularly

There are several benefits to vacuuming regularly. It keeps allergens down, prevents dirt from grinding into the carpet and staining it, and it keeps your house smelling fresh. Removing the dog hair and cat dander as quickly as possible prevents this debris from making your carpet smell like your pets. Regular vacuuming also removes parasites from fleas from the carpet to help keep your pets happy and healthy. Ideally, homes with pets should be vacuumed daily. If you don’t have time to invest in this daily chore, try to do it at least three times a week.

Vacuum the right way

Vacuuming properly is as important as vacuuming often. Most of the suction power occurs as you are pulling the vacuum backwards. You can move the vacuum quickly when it’s going forward, but slow down drastically when you are pulling the vacuum back towards you. Move across the carpet in straight, parallel lines working from left to right. Once you have finished vacuuming in one direction, move to the adjacent wall and repeat the procedure. Work your way around the room and vacuum while standing in front of each of the walls. This will ensure that your carpet is truly clean and leave it smelling fresh.

Invest in Professional Steam Cleaning

Professionals use hot water extraction to remove stains and debris that are deep in the carpet. Annual cleaning can ensure that your carpets are not harboring odor-inducing pet hair or the remnants of housebreaking accidents. It also extends the life of your carpet, so invest in annual or even semi-annual professional steam cleaning to keep the carpets looking and smelling great. Procarpetcare & cleaning services LLC will help you.

Essential Oils with Water

Fill a spray bottle with water and then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Spray a thin mist around the room and let it settle over the carpeting. It will make your entire house smell refreshing and clean. Do this after vacuuming the carpets to enjoy the fresh scent until the next time you run the vacuum cleaner. You can also freshen the carpet by mixing a little cinnamon with baking soda and sprinkling that on the carpet before vacuuming.

Febreze and Air Neutralizers

If you love how Febreze smells and how easy it is to use, then you can use this air freshener to keep the doggy odor out of your home. Spray it around on your way out to run errands and let it magically eliminate odors while you are gone. Please be aware, however, that odor neutralizers and air fresheners are never a substitute for regular vacuuming and professional cleaning services.

Carpet Cleaning

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